Welcome to my personal website

This is a space where I share my journey, my current state and some of my thoughts.

Taking a selfie at CBD before attending my SHRI Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Human Capital Management
Taking a selfie at CBD before attending my SHRI Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Human Capital Management

What’s up for me?

Here’s some of my latest updates!

Cyber Staff Officer

Currently working in Cyber Defence, I help to ensure cybersecurity compliance, conduct threat risk assessment, giving expert advice and providing consultation.

Completed my Masters in Education

I have recently completed my Masters in Education with a second class honours!

Donated my Kidney!

I have recently donated my kidney to my child and have recovered well! In fact, I am back to running long distances and carrying weights!

Recently enrolled in PGDipHRM

I have recently enrolled myself in a postgraduate diploma in Human Resource to learn a new skill.

In the midst of career transition

I am currently in a career transition looking for a leadership role in operations, security, people development or cybersecurity.

Sold my former website!

I have old my former website which was unfortunately used as a fake crypto site according to some sources. Please refer to this website for my updates moving forward!

Who am I?

Just a quick introduction

I started out as an entrepreneur conducting youth training in a social enterprise. I later entered the public sector where I work as an Outdoor Educator conducting residential leadership and character building courses. After my stint as an Outdoor Educator, I transited to a uniformed role and took on various leadership and staff appointment.

I started working when I was rather young, working first in F&B as a crew then proceeding to other roles such as sales, construction, telecommunication, etc. I also used to run a freelance business selling customised desktop to general consumers.

Apart from work, I have also initiated various social campaigns in various areas, such as advocating for cycling as a form of green transportation, organ donation and upcycling of medical supplies packaging.

How others describes me?