One key attribute of a good leader

What is one key attribute that I personally think would define an individual as a good leader? Apart from communication skills, leadership, empathy, integrity and the usual attributes that we associate with good leaders, there is one characteristic that I find invaluable in leaders.

That attribute is the ability to look past personal differences and preferences when making decisions for an organisation.

Let me explain.

We all have our personal preferences. When managing people, I would be lying if I were to say I don’t have my preference for staff. There are some individuals who just rub you the wrong way, be it in their manner of speech or how they carry themselves.

A good manager is one who is able to put aside his personal preferences and liking and think for the organisation. For instance, I once appointed a staff who always goes against my wishes and rebutted me to a prominent position because I think he is the best person for the job.

This is especially important for the public sector because public servants are not the ones who are paying their staff. They should think for the good of the general public instead of their own preferences.

As leaders, we should surround ourselves with a diverse group of people, especially people who challenges our perspectives. Not just those who agree with us. Unfortunately, that is seldom the case in reality.


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