Resolving matters through closed doors requires both ends to do their part

There were many times in the past when I was so tempted to use the power of social media. We have seen it happened many times – Things don’t get done, went viral and things happened. This has happened for both public and private matters. When we suffer some form of injustice or unfairness, unable to resolve it through conventional means, there is always this thought of leveraging on social media and let the people decide.

It is powerful. Cheaper. Faster. Easier.

But it comes with its risk. For one, you don’t know if the public will be on your side. For me however, I don’t really care if the public will be on my side. What I need however, is for the public to make a stand. Because I know that eventually we reap what we sow. For instance, if I were to share a case of injustice happening, and people chooses to turn a blind eye, then eventually when we become a society where injustice is rampant, we collectively pay for our mistake.

Till date, I have never relied on making a post viral to get things done. And I don’t believe that it should be the way of how Singapore works.

So painfully, each and every time, I take things through proper channels, trying to resolve it within closed doors. So far, I haven’t been disappointed. As painful as it is, I have always advocated for things to be done through proper channels because it is very easy to tear things down. Not so easy to build things up.

On the other side of the house, for things to continue to work this way, in a civil and controlled manner, people who are in the position of power need to do the right thing. They must act promptly on matters, work out a solution that is equitable and resolve matters appropriately.

This is a reminder.


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