Speaking well is not just a gift

I have often heard this from others: Ben has the gift of the gab.

It trivialise the amount of work it takes to be a good orator. Every time before I speak in front of a crowd, especially an important one, I rehearse many times in my head before I utter the first word.

I never believe in holding up a piece of paper and reading it aloud. It disconnects us from the audience. But it is difficult to speak off the cuff and to be coherent in what we say. Every time we imagine ourselves to be speaking in a specific way, it always differs when our mouth opens. Likewise for myself, even if I had rehearsed it countless times in my head.

Speaking is not just a gift. It requires hard work and dedication. First, one has to recognise the power of words and the impact it brings. I always find it a great loss when one has the substance but unable to articulate them. Through my career, I have met so many of them. Hence, in the social enterprise that I founded years ago, one of the key pillars was communication.

Beyond recognition, one has to work towards improving how they talk. Even for a seasoned presenter like myself, I tend to fumble if I am not prepared. Although I have went through countless interviews in my professional career, both as the interviewee and interviewer, I will not be able to sound convincing unless I have prepared for it.

In conclusion, speaking is an art and it is an important one. We should not trivialise the amount of effort it takes for one to speak well.


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