What are the most important values to me as a leader?

I was asked at an interview today, what is the most important value to me as a leader?

The first I mentioned, without any hesitation is integrity. Although it might sound cliché, it is the most important value I think a leader should have. Let me clarify.

Anyone can make decisions. Most people know what should be the right decision. But not everyone has the gumption to make the right decisions when pressured from all different angles. It could be an upcoming audit, or compliance with regulations. When we are pressed by business needs, do we still have what it takes to do the right thing? Furthermore, leader has power. And like what many people say about power? It corrupts. It is only with integrity can we ensure that we remain respectable as leaders and earn trust from our people. Or maybe it is because I have been in the public service for too long. Or perhaps it is because I am born a Singaporean. Integrity is always something that we advocate in our society.

The second value that I mentioned was care for the people. A leader need to recognise that they are nothing without their followers. So when someone infringes a law or get into trouble, as a leader we must find way to support the individual. Why did the person break the law? Is it because there are some reasons behind it or it is really because of a blatant disregard for law? As a leader, I find it important for me to find legal means to support our people. For instance, someone may be coming to work late frequently. While I cannot condone such behaviour, I would want to find out the root cause of it. Is it because the individual stays very far? Can I allow remote work within legal limits? There are often ways for us to support our staff. And if we leaders we are not give that empowerment then we should ask for them.

It was a short interview, and these two are the two values that came into mind when asked on the spot. Of course, coming to think about it, there are many qualities that a leader should have. It goes without saying that a leader must have the strategic mindset and foresight in order to lead, to know what they are doing. But these two are the ones which immediately popped into my head. What about yours?


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